Header Headphones Method Label

The Membership Methodical

21st Century Back Scratching

We're all good friends here at Method Label. Right? And we know you want a slice of this pie. Well you can, for free of course, with this quite methodical scheme:


We have some wonderous stuff to offer you, especially if you're a fan of electronic and alternative music genres, and even if you're not. As a Method Member, you'll receive free tracks, the opportunity to get your hands on stuff before it hits the shelves (and virtual shelves), discounted or free merch, and more. And it's not just free stuff, we can promote your projects too, be it a blog, music project, magazine, studio, venue, gig, anything. You can get links/articles in our blog, and be listed as a member on our site.

"Whoah there, what's the catch?" no catch, as such, but we do ask for return favours if you're gonna be in our...erm...gang.


We're looking for people to promote Method Label, by inviting your friends to follow us on Facebook, Tweeting about us and our releases, linking to us on your blog. You know, the usual stuff. Nothing that will take you very long, and hopefully, stuff you'll be happy to do considering it's the music you love anyway, right?


Send us an email entitled 'method members' letting us know how you'd be willing to help us, and why we'll start our share of the back-scratching. Deal?